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addItemToSWG—Add Item To Software Group

This action allows you to add products to a software group.

This action has the following format:

swLibrary action=addItemToSWG 
{item=item_name version=item_version 
| {itemList=(item_name/item_version)}}

Specifies the name of the item to be added.

If this parameter is coded, the parameter version becomes mandatory.

This parameter should not be coded with the itemList parameter.


Specifies an item, identified by the pair (itemname itemversion) to be added to the software group.

This parameter could be coded more than once to create a list of items to be added.

Because the slash ("/") is used as a delimiter, the item name or item version containing slashes should be enclosed in quotes (").

This parameter should not be coded with the item parameter.


Specifies the name of a software group to which the item will be added.


Specifies the version of the item to be added.

This parameter should be coded with the item parameter only.

Notes: There are two possibilities to code an item to be added: The first is by using the parameters item and version, the other by using the parameter itemList. Both formats should not be mixed in the command, but at least one of them should be used.

The items to be added must already be defined in the software library at the time of command invocation. This command does not create any new item in the software library.

Using the itemList parameter at the batch or at the command-line interface and having an item name or an item version containing slashes you have to duplicate the slashes in the item name or version.

If the itemList parameter contains any blanks enclose it in quotes ("). (This holds for command line or batch usage).