This action removes jobs from the specified target computer's job list.
This action has the following format:
targetcomputer action=removeJob name=computer_name
{cjid=computer_job_identifier| item=item_name version=item_version procedure=item_procedure [installedWith=installation_procedure]}
Specifies the identifier of the computer job to be removed.
Specifies the name of the install procedure referred to in the job to be removed.
Specifies the name of the item that the job to be removed deals with.
Specifies the name of the computer for which the job is removed from its job list.
Specifies the name of the item procedure referred to in the job to be removed.
Specifies the version of the item the job to be removed deals with.
Note: If the job to be removed is specified by item, version, and so on, the first job found in the job list that matches the criteria will be removed only.
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