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create—Create Computer or Query Groups

The action allows you to create computer groups or query groups.

It has the following format:

compgroup action=create 
[{{queryName=query |sdQuery=query }
[enginePeriod=engine_evalution_frequence]] | 
[{computer=target_computer} | addall}]

All SD target computers, which exist at creation time, are added to the group.


Specifies a comment on the group to be created.


Specifies the name of the SD target computer, user profile, or docking device to be added to the group.

The parameter can be coded more than once to add more than one object to the group.


Specifies the name of an engine that will process the group evaluation.

If not coded any engine can process the evaluation.

This parameter is only valid if queryName or sdQuery is coded.


Specifies the period (in minutes ) in which the engine will re-evaluate the group.

If engineName is coded but not enginePeriod, a default of 1 minute is assumed.

This parameter is only valid if engineName is coded.


This parameter specifies if the group being created inherits security permissions or not.
If “InheritPerms” or “InheritPerms=y” is coded then the specified group will inherit permissions to it members and becomes a security group.
If “InheritPerms=n” is coded then the specified group will not inherit permissions to its members and therefore is no security group.
Default: InheritPerms=y .


Specifies the name of the computer group to be created.


Specifies the name of the query to be used for evaluating the group.


Specifies a legacy query to be used for evaluation of the group. The query has to be compliant with SD 4.0 SP1.


Specifies the name of an existing computer group where the group in question will be created as a subgroup. If not coded the group will be created at the system folder "Computers and Users".