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addItem—Add Item to scalability server

This action adds an item to one or more staging libraries.

This action has the following format:

stagingserver action=additem
{{computer=computer_name} | {compgrp=computer_group_name}} 
[atTime="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"]
[ timeout=hours ]
[{nolinkage | transaction | synchronized } ]

Specifies the Specifies the date and time when the action will be started.

The date has the ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm".


Specifies the the optional unique name of a job container where the generated job will be stored.

If a job container / distribution with the specified name already exists an error will be reported.
If "cname" is not coded, a generic name is generated.


Specifies the name of a server group of scalability servers to which the item is to be delivered.

The parameter can be coded more than once to address a list of server groups.

The parameter should not be coded with the computer parameter.


Specifies the name of a scalability server to which the item is to be delivered.

The parameter can be coded more than once to address a list of scalability servers.

The parameter should not be coded with the compgrp parameter.


Specifies the name of the item to be delivered to the scalability servers.


Specifies the priority of the job container.

The priority specified has to be numeric and its value has to be greater or equal 1 and less or equal 10.

If not coded priority 5 is assumed.


Run the job independently of the other jobs in the container.


The job linkage option is set to "Synchronized job execution".


Specifies the timeout specifies the expiration period of a job in the form “h” where h the number of hours. The range of the parameter is configurable at the manager’s site. When the specified value exceeds the configured upper limit then the value is set to the upper limit, if the specified value goes below the lower limit then the lower limit is taken. No warning is given in any case.
timeout should not be coded with the jobTimeout parameter otherwise an error is reported. If none of the parameters is coded the default is given by 168


The job linkage option is set to "Batch job execution".


Specifies the version of the item to be added.