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Submit CA Clarity PPM Feature Tasks for Approval

Before you create a Harvest package from a CA Clarity PPM feature task, the CA Clarity PPM feature task Feature Status field must be first set to Approved. This field appears on the CA Clarity PPM feature task Task Properties: Feature Details page. You can either set the status manually or you can set up an automated business approval process to set the status. Provided with the connector are several statuses to facilitate the approval process; only the Approved feature status activates the Create Harvest Package check box and allows you to select it.

If an automated approval process is not used, the CA Clarity PPM project manager can submit the CA Clarity PPM feature task for approval. To do this, on the Task Properties: Feature Details page, select Approved from the Feature Status drop-down of the task, and click Submit.

Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information.

By default, you can select from the following feature statuses in the listed order: