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Feature Task Details

The following table describes the fields in the Details and Feature Information sections of the Task Properties: Feature Details page.




Harvest Project

The name of the Harvest Project in CA Clarity PPM. Select the name of the project from the pull-down.

Integration Status

Displays the integration status between this CA Clarity PPM feature task and the Harvest package. When a valid status is received from Harvest, the status reflects a green checkmark. If the associated Harvest package is deleted, the status reflects a red checkmark.

Task Type

Displays the task type. Use the pull-down to select the task type. Choices are Feature, Change Order, and Standard.


Identifies the task for reporting on areas of an application. Choices are User Interface, Infrastructure, Integration, and Data.


The priority of this task.

Feature Information

Total Package Count

The total number of Harvest packages. This field is read-only.

Overall % Complete

Displays the overall percent complete status of the CA Clarity PPM feature task. This field is calculated based on the number of Harvest packages in each Harvest lifecycle state, and based on the weights assigned to each state.

Feature Status

The status of the CA Clarity PPM feature task. This field must be set to Approved before you can create a Harvest package.


Click the Browse icon to select the name of the feature task manager. In the Browse window, filter the list to find the name of resource managing this CA Clarity PPM feature task.


The description of the CA Clarity PPM feature task.

Create Harvest Package

Select this box to indicate you want a Harvest package created.