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Edit Task Properties

Use this procedure to open the task and edit its properties. The task properties include the general properties, the earned value options, the date constraints, task relationships, and resource assignments.

Note: A locked task cannot be edited. Click Unlock to unlock the task and enable editing.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project and click Tasks.
  2. Click the name of the task.
  3. Edit the task fields. The following fields require explanation:

    Defines the date to start the task assignment for a resource. The list pages or portlets display the start date.

    Default: Task start date

    Note: Define the assignment to start on or after the task start date. If an assignment has actuals, the field is read-only.


    Defines the date to complete the task assignment for a resource. The list pages or portlets display the completion date.

    Default: Task completion date

    Note: Define the assignment to finish on or before the task completion date.


    Displays the status of the task based on the value of % Complete. This field is automatically calculated and updated based on the task % Complete value.


    • Completed. Indicates that the ETC task is zero and the percentage completed is 100.
    • Not Started. Indicates that actuals are not posted and the percentage completed is zero..
    • Started. Displays when a resource posts actuals to the task assignment. The percentage completed on the task is more than zero and less than 100.

    Default: Not Started

    % Complete

    Defines the percent of work that has been completed when the task is partially completed.


    • Zero. The task is not started.
    • 1 through 99. The task has ETC or actuals posted and the task is not started.
    • 100. The task is complete.

    Default: 0


    Defines the file path and file name for the guidelines your organization follows for this task.

    Example: \\CA Clarity PPM\Guidelines\Project\Plan.doc.

    Charge Code

    Defines the charge code for the task. Task-level charge codes supersede project-level charge codes where both are specified.

    Must Start On

    Defines the date on which the task is required to start. This date is used as a date constraint during autoscheduling.

    Must Finish On

    Defines the date on which the task is required to finish. This date is used as a constraint during autoscheduling.

    Start No Earlier Than

    Defines the earliest possible start date for a task. This date is used as a constraint during autoscheduling.

    Start No Later Than

    Defines the latest possible start date for the task. This date is used as a constraint during autoscheduling.

    Finish No Earlier Than

    Defines the earliest possible finish date for a task. This date is used as a constraint during autoscheduling.

    Finish No Later Than

    Defines the latest possible finish date for a task. This date is used as a constraint during autoscheduling.

    Exclude from Autoscheduling

    Specifies excluding the dates for this task during the auto-scheduling process.

    Default: Cleared

    Required: No

    Note: This field works with the Schedule Assignments on Excluded Tasks field on the auto-schedule page. Suppose, you exclude the task from auto-scheduling. But you specify allowing changes to excluded task resource assignment dates during auto-scheduling. The auto-schedule process changes the task resource assignment dates, while remaining within the start and finish dates for the task.

  4. Save the changes.

More information:

How to Edit Tasks

Create a Tentative Schedule