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Create a Change Request

A change request is an alteration to expand or contract the project scope, schedule, or budget. Create a change request when the issue resolution impacts the project scope, schedule, or budget or when the issue is not resolved. Recording a change request helps you analyze the project and also learn from past events.

In this scenario, the project manager creates a change request to extend the project deadline to address both the issues:

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project and click Risk/Issues/Changes.
  2. Open the Risks/Issues/Changes menu and click Issues.
  3. Open the issue and click Create Change Request.
  4. Complete the fields in the General section. The following fields require explanation:

    Defines the category to which the change request belongs.


    • Flexibility - The project is not adaptable.
    • Funding - The project funding is not allocated or is available with constraints.
    • Human Interface - The user interface (UI) is poorly defined.
    • Implementation - Uncertainties exist in the implementation effort and user acceptance
    • Interdependencies - The project is dependent on other projects.
    • Objectives - The requirements, objectives, scope, and benefits are unreasonable, unclear, not measurable, and not verifiable.
    • Organizational Culture - The project requires changes to the organization culture, business processes, procedures, or policies.
    • Resource Availability - The internal resource availability is uncertain and external resources are required.
    • Sponsorship - The sponsorship is not clearly identified and committed.
    • Supportability - It is not easy to support the project in the future and requires major updating.

    Technical - The project technology is unproven and new internal or external expertise is required.


    Defines the name of the resource who is managing the change request. This resource is responsible for verifying that the change request is managed and tracked appropriately through its life cycle.

    Default: The resource currently logged in.

  5. Complete the fields in the Details section.
  6. Attach a document which provides valuable background on the change request, its resolution or effect on the project, if any in the Attachments section.
  7. Complete the fields in the Effect section. The following fields require explanation:
    Impact on Baseline

    Describes how the changes in the request can affect the project baseline.

    Impact on Other Projects

    Describes how the request can affect other projects.

    Change in Cost

    Defines the amount by which the request can change the budget cost of the project. The budget cost is a field that is defined on the budget properties page.

    Change in Schedule

    Defines the number of days by which the request can delay or accelerate the overall project schedule.

    Change in Resources

    Defines a number that reflects the request for an increase or decrease in the number of resources that are needed for the project.

  8. Complete the fields in the Assessment section.
  9. Click Save and Return to go to the issue properties page to close the issue.
  10. Change the Status to Closed.
  11. Save your changes.