The following access rights are required to work with projects:
Allows users to approve a specific project.
Includes: Project - Edit right to edit the project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to approve all projects.
Includes: Project - Edit - All right to edit all projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to edit the benefit plans for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to edit the benefit plans for all projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to view the benefit plans for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view the benefit plans for all projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to access a billing for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to approve a billing for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to approve the budget plans for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to approve the budget plans of any project.
Type: Global
Allows users to edit the budget plans for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to edit the budget plans of any project.
Type: Global
Allows users to view the budget plans for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view budget plans for all projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to edit the cost plans for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to edit cost plans for all projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to view the cost plans for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view cost plans for all projects.
Type: Global
Allows you to create new projects and define the general properties.
Includes: Project - Create from Template right to create a project using a template.
Type: Global
Allows you to create new projects using project templates.
Type: Global
Allows users to delete a specific project.
Requires: Project - View to view the project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to delete any project.
Requires: Project - View to view the project.
Type: Global
Allows the user to edit all parts of a project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to edit properties and other areas of any project, except for custom defined fields.
Type: Global
Allows users to manage access rights for all projects.
Requires: Project - Edit Management right to manage access rights for all projects.
Type: Global
Allows the user to edit assigned tasks on a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows the user to edit assigned tasks on all projects.
Type: Global
Enable financial properties for Projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to view and edit the general properties, processes, and financial information about all projects. This right also allows the user to enable financial projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to edit general and management properties, to add staff, create tasks, and create and manage processes for the specific project. This right includes the ability to add subprojects and to edit the project in a project scheduler, such as Microsoft Project.
Type: Instance
Allows the user to edit general and management properties for all projects. This right allows you to add staff and create tasks if projects are enabled for management. This right also includes the right to add subprojects to the project and edit the project in a project scheduler, such as Microsoft Project.
Type: Global
Allows users to add unplanned tasks to a specific project when completing their timesheets when they are a team member on the project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to add unplanned tasks to any project when completing their timesheets when they are a team member of those projects.
Type: Global
Enable financial properties for Projects.
Type: Global
Allows users to submit the financial plans for approval for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows the user to view and edit general and management properties for the projects and programs to which they have access.
Type: Instance
Allows users to edit the baseline for a specific project. This right also allows users to edit the project general properties and processes.
Type: Instance
Allows the user to edit the baseline for all project instances to which the user has edit access.
Type: Global
Allows users to create and edit risks, issues, and changes for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to delete risks, issues, and changes for a specific project on which they are a staff member.
Type: Instance
Allows you to delete risks, issues, and change requests for all projects.
Type: Global
Allows you to create and edit risks, issues, and change requests for any project.
Type: Global
Allows users to view all risks, issues, and change requests for a specific project.
Type: Global
Lets you view all risks, issues, and change requests for a specific project.
Type: Global
Allows users to view the general, management, financial properties, custom defined fields, roster, tasks, processes, and subprojects for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view access rights for a specific project. From CA Clarity PPM, this right implies that users also have the Project - View access right to the project. From Administration, users must also have the Resource - Edit Administration right.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view all the general properties and custom defined fields for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view the general and financial properties for a specific project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view the general and financial properties, and processes on all projects. This right does not include the Project - Budget Plan - View All access right.
Type: Global
Allows users to view management properties, roster, and key tasks of a specific project. This right also allows users view the project in a project scheduler, such as Microsoft Project.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view management properties and processes on any project that has been enabled for management.
Type: Global
Allows users to view all tasks for a specific project. This access right is dependent on the resource having the Project - View Base access right.
Type: Instance
Allows users to view tasks and work breakdown structure for any project the user has been granted access.
Type: Global
Lets users navigate to the Projects list page and to the My Projects portlet.
Type: Global
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