When you open a project from CA Clarity PPM to update in Microsoft Project, you implicitly log in to CA Clarity PPM. Schedule Connect remembers your settings. Once logged in and a session is established for a target project instance, you need only enter your password the next time when you try to save projects or browse for resources in CA Clarity PPM.
If you open a project from Microsoft Project and save it to CA Clarity PPM, Schedule Connect connects you to the specified CA Clarity PPM server. Use the following procedure to set up for the first time connection to CA Clarity PPM.
Note: If you are using Federated SSO, then you must have an open CA Clarity PPM browser session. This browser session must be in the environment to which you are trying to connect, which is defined in the CA Clarity Host field.
Follow these steps:
Specifies the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) handling preference.
Default: Full
Select Full.
Defines the name of the CA Clarity PPM server to which Microsoft Project is connected. This server defines the location from which you open a project, or to which you save a project. The login host is not the full URL.
Default: <Clarity Host>
Example: corpName
The port for the CA Clarity PPM server.
Example: 80 is the default port for a CA Clarity PPM server.
Note: To determine the port number to specify, you can check the CSA application server settings, the application log on URL, or contact your administrator. Also, Schedule Connect uses the field to define the port on the Application Entry URL to load information. Therefore, independent of the port field, this field must also contain a reference to <server_name>:<portnumber>.
Enter 443 if using SSL.
Defines the name of your proxy server. The proxy host is not the full URL.
Example: corpProxy
Note: If you are accessing CA Clarity PPM through a nonauthenticating proxy, enter the proxy host and port in the CA Clarity Host and Port fields.
Required: Only when accessing an authenticating proxy
Defines the port for the proxy server.
Defines the user name for connecting to the proxy server.
Defines the password for connecting to the proxy server.
You are connected to the CA Clarity PPM server.
You can connect Schedule Connect to only one CA Clarity PPM server at a time. To open or save projects to a different CA Clarity PPM server, change the connections settings. When pointing Schedule Connect to another CA Clarity PPM server, be sure to update the Proxy server setting if necessary.
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