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Replace Unbooked Resource Requisitions

When unbooking a resource through a requisition, you can request a replacement team member. The action lets you unbook the selected resource and request for a new team member.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project and click Team.

    The team staff page of the project appears.

  2. Select the check box next to the name of the hard-booked resource to unbook, and from the Actions menu, click Create Requisitions.

    The create requisitions page appears.

  3. In the Select Requisition Type section, select Replace Resources (Replace all hard allocation with new resource).
  4. In the Resources section, click Create and Open to unbook the resource completely.

    The team staff page of the project appears showing the booking status as "Mixed". An unbook requisition is created to unbook totally the resource for the entire hard-allocated amount.