Use this procedure to create a subproject from the work breakdown structure of the master projects.
Follow these steps:
The Gantt view appears.
Specifies the pool of resources that is allowed when assigning resources to tasks.
Default: Resource Pool
Specifies the name of the resource that is responsible for managing the project. The manager of a project automatically receives certain rights for the project.
The project manager is not the same as the collaboration manager. The person creating the project becomes the collaboration manager for the project by default.
Default: The resource creating the project. If you are creating a project that someone else can manage, change the default to another resource.
Required: No
Specifies the page layout to view project information. Available layouts are company-specific and dependent on the values set by your CA Clarity PPM administrator. Layouts also depend on whether an add-in is installed. If other layouts are not available, the field is display only.
Default: Project Default Layout
Required: Yes
Defines the initial start date for a project. As you create tasks and assignments, this date is auto-calculated to match the first date that a task is scheduled to start. At that point, to edit this date, adjust the following dates:
Important! Verify that the start dates of tasks and assignments are the same or later than the start date of the project. Else, the start date of the project is automatically redefined as per the start dates of the tasks and assignments.
Default: Current date
Required: Yes
Defines the initial finish date for a project. As you create tasks and assignments, this date is auto-calculated to match the last date that a task is scheduled to finish. At that point, to edit this date, adjust the following dates:
Important! Verify that the finish dates of tasks and assignments are the same or before the finish date of the project. Else, the end date of the project is automatically redefined as per the end dates of the tasks and assignments.
Default: Current date
Specifies if the planned cost dates are synchronized with the investment dates. Selecting the option for a detailed financial plan does not affect the planned cost dates.
Default: Selected
Defines the stage in the investment lifecycle. The list of choices is company-specific and depends on the values that your administrator sets.
The metric is used in portfolio analysis when you use comparable stage criteria across all portfolio investments.
Specifies the purpose or business case for this project.
Values: Cost Avoidance, Cost Reduction, Grow the Business, Infrastructure Improvement, and Maintain the Business
Required: No
Defines the relative importance of this investment in relation to all other investments. The priority controls the order in which tasks are scheduled during autoscheduling. The priority is subject to dependency constraints.
Values: 0 - 36 (where zero is the highest importance)
Default: 10
Required: No
Indicates the level of work that is completed on the tasks.
Default: Not Started
Required: Yes
Specifies to pin this investment when added to a portfolio. This field is used during scenario generation.
Default: Cleared
Required: No
Specifies the method to calculate the % Complete value for the project and tasks.
Summary Task % Complete = Total Detail Task Duration Complete / Total Detail Task Duration
Summary Task % Complete = Sum of Detail Task resource assignment Actuals / Sum of Detail Task resource assignment Effort Detail Task % Complete = Sum of resource assignment Actuals / Sum of resource assignment Effort
Default: Manual
Note: Set the % Complete Calculation Method at the beginning of your project and do not change this value.
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