Teams (projects and investments) › About Team Staff Member Replacement › How to Replace Team Staff Members › About Replacing Roles on Tasks with Assigned Team Staff Member
About Replacing Roles on Tasks with Assigned Team Staff Member
When you replace a role with a resource that is assigned to the project, the allocation from the role is added to the existing allocation for the resource. The role allocation decrements by the amount added to the resource.
Consider the following behavior when replacing roles:
- When you fully decrement a role by replacing it with a named resource, the following behaviors are seen:
- The role allocation decrement to zero and the role is removed from the team staff page.
- All assignments and ETC that were assigned to the role are transferred to the named resource.
- The role allocation is added to the named resource allocation. In this case, you can over-allocate the named resource (that is, allocated at greater than 100 percent).
- When you partially replace a role by one or more named resources, the following behaviors are seen:
- The role allocation decrements by the amount replaced, and the role remains on the team list.
- No transfer of assignments is made to the named resources.
- The amount of the replaced role allocation is added to the named resource allocations.
- When you replace a role that has assignments and ETC such that the role allocation is zero, the role remains on the team list. Reassign the task to one or more resources, and then remove the role from the project team.
More information:
How to Replace Team Staff Members
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