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Close Change Requests and Track as Issues

You can quickly create a change request from an existing issue. Basic information from common fields is carried over to the new change request for easy setup. A link back to the originating change request is provided on the issue properties page for easy navigation between the records.

In addition, you can manually associate issues or change requests to each other. Association can help you understand the relationships between the issues and change requests, and provide better overall project management.

Click the ID in the Originating Change Request field to view the originating change request.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the change request page.
  2. Change the Status to Closed.
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Click Create Issue.
  5. Complete the fields in the General section. The following fields are explained:

    Defines the name of the resource who is managing the risk. This resource is responsible for verifying that the issue is managed and tracked appropriately through its lifecycle. If you create an issue from a closed risk, the value for this field is from Owner field on the risk properties page.

    Default: The resource currently logged in


    Displays the name of the resource who created the issue.

    Default: The resource currently logged in

  6. Complete the fields in the Details section. The following field is explained:
    Target Resolution Date

    Defines the date for resolving the issue. The date requires to be the same or earlier than the impact date.

    Default: Current date

  7. Attach the documents, if any.
  8. Complete the Resolution field in the Resolution section.
  9. Save the changes.