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Advance Project Planning

To create a project, verify that you have a general idea of its scope, the tasks that resources perform, and a timeframe to complete them. Advance project planning makes the initial field entry and set-up easier for you. Once you enter the project with tasks and resources, keep it accurate and up to date. A regularly maintained detailed project plan is the most effective way to measure performance and status. The project plan also helps to get work done.

The more detailed and accurate your project plan, the more useful it is. For example, use system-generated work estimates, or create your own. Estimates (ETC) help to plan task and project duration, and also for comparison with actuals once the project is under way. Baselines are another useful tool to help you measure progress. Though creating estimates and baselines can take a little more time, the long-term benefits to you and your team can be enormous.

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Define Project Properties