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Define General Properties

Edit the general properties of any project to which you have access.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the project.
  2. Complete the following fields in the General section:
    Assignment Pool

    Specifies the pool of resources that is allowed when assigning resources to tasks.


    • Team Only. Allow only staff members.
    • Resource Pool. Allow team staff members and resources for whom you have access rights to book to a project. With this option, when you assign a resource to a task, the resource is also added as a team staff member.

    Default: Resource Pool


    Specifies the name of the resource that is responsible for managing the project. The manager of a project automatically receives certain rights for the project.

    The project manager is not the same as the collaboration manager. The person creating the project becomes the collaboration manager for the project by default.

    Default: The resource creating the project. If you are creating a project that someone else can manage, change the default to another resource.

    Required: No

    Page Layout

    Specifies the page layout to view project information. Available layouts are company-specific and dependent on the values set by your CA Clarity PPM administrator. Layouts also depend on whether an add-in is installed. If other layouts are not available, the field is display only.

    Default: Project Default Layout

    Required: Yes


    Displays the project risk status in the form of a stoplight. The stoplight colors are based on your selections on the main risk page. If you have detailed risks defined, the colors are derived from the risks page.


    • Green = Low Risk
    • Yellow = Medium Risk

    Red = High Risk


    Specifies the purpose or business case for this project.

    Values: Cost Avoidance, Cost Reduction, Grow the Business, Infrastructure Improvement, and Maintain the Business

    Required: No


    Specifies the alignment with corporate objectives. Displays a stoplight that indicates the project alignment status.


    • 66 - 100 (Green) = Aligned
    • 33 - 65 (Yellow) = Alignment at risk
    • 0 - 32 (Red) = Out of alignment
    • Required: No

    Specifies if the investment is active. Activate the investment to enable posting transactions. Also, to view the investment in capacity planning portlets.

    Default: Selected


    Specifies using a program to create projects.

    Default: Cleared

    Required: No


    Specifies using the project as a project template to create other projects.

    Default: Cleared

    Required: No


    Specifies to pin this investment when added to a portfolio. This field is used during scenario generation.

    Default: Cleared

    Required: No

  3. In the Organizational Breakdown Structures section, define the OBS to associate with the project for security, organizational, or reporting purposes.

    Defines the lines of business for your organization that is responsible for the proposal.


    Defines the department that is used during transaction processing of chargebacks to charge or credit departments for costs. The department can also be used to match the investment with Cost/Rate matrices. The field is auto-populated if a department is selected on the general properties page.

    This OBS is listed last if more than one OBS exists.


    Defines the location that is used to match the investment with debit and credit rules for transaction processing of chargebacks. The investment location can be used as a match in the Cost/Rate matrix. If the investment does not have a location, use the entity default location. However, if the entity default location is not available, use the system default location value.

  4. Save the changes.

More information:

Financially Enable Projects

Risks, Issues, Change Requests, and Action Items

Risk Rating