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Use Boolean Operators in a Global Search

Boolean operators allow you to perform global searches using multiple terms that are combined through logic operators. The following Boolean operators are supported: AND, +, OR, NOT, and -.

Enter Boolean operators in all caps.


OR is the default conjunction operator, which means no Boolean operator exists between two terms, OR is used. The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching document if either of the terms exist in a document. This operation is equivalent to a union using sets. You can use the symbol || in place of the OR operator.

Example: To search for documents that contain "jakarta apache" or "jakarta", use the query:

"jakarta apache" "jakarta"


"jakarta apache" OR "jakarta"


"jakarta apache" || "jakarta"

The AND operator matches documents in which both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. This operation is equivalent to an intersection using sets. You can use the special character && in place of the AND operator.

Example: To search for "jakarta apache" and "jakarta CA Clarity PPM", use the query:

"jakarta apache" AND "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"


"jakarta apache" && "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"
+ (required)

The +, or required, operator requires that the term after the + operator to exist somewhere in a field of a single document or form.

Example: To search for documents containing "jakarta" with or without "CA Clarity PPM", use the query:

+"jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

The NOT operator excludes documents or forms that contain the term after the NOT operator. You can use the symbol ! in place of the NOT operator.

Example: To search for documents that contain "jakarta apache" but not "jakarta CA Clarity PPM", use the query:

"jakarta apache" NOT "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"


"jakarta apache" ! "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

The NOT operator cannot be used with a single term. This query returns no results:

NOT "jakarta apache"
- (prohibit)

The -, or prohibit, operator excludes documents that contain the term after the - operator.

Example: To search for documents and forms that contain "jakarta apache" but not "jakarta CA Clarity PPM", use the query:

"jakarta apache" - "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"