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Set Preferences for Case Conversion of Logical Model Object Names

In the logical model, you can set the preferences you use to name logical model objects. If you use naming standards, you must set these preferences for each model that you create. If you do not use naming standards, you can have modeling design problems that can produce errors when you run queries to extract particular sets of data.

The logical model objects for which you can set naming preferences are: Entities, Domains, Attributes, Relationships, Key Groups, and Validation Rules.

You can only select a case setting option for domains you created using the Domain Dictionary. You cannot change the case setting for the system-defined domains (<default>, Blob, Datetime, and Number).

To set preferences for case conversion of logical model object names

  1. Click Model Naming Options on the Actions menu.

    The Model Naming Options dialog opens.

  2. Click the Logical tab.
  3. Click in the Case row for each logical model object type, select one of the following options from the Case list, and click OK:

    Preserves the case settings that you enter for logical model objects.


    Changes all lowercase letters in logical model object names to uppercase letters.


    Changes all uppercase letters in logical model object names to lowercase letters.


    Changes the first letter in logical model object names to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase.

    The preferences are set and the Model Naming Options dialog closes.

More information:

Set the Maximum Length for Logical Model Object Names