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Relationships in the Physical Model

A relationship is used in a physical model to show that there is an association or link between two tables, or between a table and itself. You can use the physical modeling features to add the following relationships:

In the diagram window, each relationship can visually depict the following information:

Relationships also display in the Model Explorer. You can add, review, and modify relationships using the Model Explorer.

Relationships are used in both the logical and physical models, and can be represented in either model as one or more foreign key attributes.

There are several ways to add relationships:

When you add a relationship, the relationship is labeled R_n, where R stands for relationship, and n is a unique number. A number is assigned only once per model and new relationship numbers are calculated beginning with the number zero.

You can click a relationship line to highlight it. Highlighting allows you to trace the path of the relationship line from parent to child.

More information:

Set Relationship Cardinality

Identifying Relationships in a Logical Model

Recursive Relationships

Non-Identifying Relationships in the Physical Model

Specify Physical Properties for a Relationship

Display a Relationship in the Physical Model Only

Change the Null Option for a Non-Identifying Relationship

Assign a Rolename to a Migrated Index

Define Referential Integrity Trigger Actions for Relationships

Enter a Foreign Key Comment to a Relationship