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Oracle Package Editor - Context Tab

Use the Context tab to create a context for a package. A context is used to hold application data. You can create more than one context per package.

Open the Oracle Context Editor by selecting the Context Tab from the Oracle Package Editor. Open the Oracle Package Editor by selecting Target - Oracle, Package on the Model menu.

Contexts are supported in the following features:

The following describes the options available in this tab:


A list box that contains the available contexts.


Select New to create a new context. Opens the New Context dialog where you can specify the name for the new context.


Select Rename to rename a context. Opens the Rename Context dialog where you can assign a different name to the context.


Select a context from the Contexts list box that you want to delete, and click the Delete button.

Context Type

Select this check box so you can select one of the three options for Context Type:


Select this check box if you want to generate DDL for this object during Forward Engineering. If you do not select the check box, no DDL will be generated for this object during Forward Engineering.