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Model Templates

A template can store model objects, display settings, and preferences. CA ERwin Data Modeler uses two file extensions for templates, *.erwin_tmpl and *.erwin (starting in r8.2).

You can save any model as a template to save its settings and contents for quick reuse. In this way, templates provide the ideal way of maintaining consistency across different models. After you save a template, you can:

Note: You can use either *.erwin_tmpl or *.erwin extensions as a template for creating models. However, to achieve synchronization of model objects between a model template and a data model, you bind the model template to the model. You can only use the *.erwin extension for template binding.

Model template functionality includes:

Bind, unbind and rebind model template

To use a model template for a model, you bind the model template to the model. At any time you can unbind, or remove, the model template. Whenever you open a model with a bound model template, confirm whether to synchronize any model template changes with the objects used in the model.

Detection of model template changes

Whenever you open a model with a bound model template, confirm whether to synchronize any model template changes with the objects used in the model. You can also refresh your model with any model template changes at any time using the Refresh Template option.

Filtering of template objects

Filters the object display in the Model Template dialog. Filtering the objects to create a shorter list makes it easier for you to define the model objects that you want in your template.

Importing new template objects

When you change a model template, or want to include objects in a model template you previously did not include, refresh the model template.

Synchronization of model objects

Any changes you make to a model template are synchronized with the models that use the template in the Model Template Synchronization Wizard. You can select the Synchronize on Model Load option so that when a model is opened, you can review model template changes.

Template removal

You can delete model templates. Any objects brought in to a model by the template can remain in the model, or you can remove them when the template is unbound. If you keep the objects, any changes made to the objects are performed directly in the model because the template no longer exists.


Use the Query Tool to report on model template objects.

More information:

Reverse Engineer

Save a Model as a Template