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Model Template Synchronization Wizard

When you specify to bind a template to a model, the Bind Model Template dialog opens. One of the options in this dialog is Run the Template Wizard to select objects for synchronization. When you select this option and click OK, the Model Template Synchronization Wizard opens.

The Model Template Synchronization Wizard provides you with the opportunity to review each template object and decide which action to apply to the object. This action determines how the object is copied into the current model.

The Model Template Synchronization Wizard contains the following pages and options:


Provides a list of the objects in the template and how they are used in the current model. The list identifies the objects marked as Synchronize, Defer, and Ignore, with a breakdown of the number of objects created, modified, deleted, or unchanged.


Lets you specify the action for each metadata object in the template that is not synchronized with the current model. You can select one of three actions for each metadata object:


Copies the template object into the model.


Specifies not to copy the template object this one time.


Specifies not to copy the template object this time and default to not copying it in the future.



Lets you specify the action for each object in the template that is not synchronized with the current model. You can select one of three actions for each object:


Copies the template object into the model.


Specifies not to copy the template object this one time.


Specifies not to copy the template object this time and default to not copying it in the future.



Lets you specify options for synchronizing templates. The options are saved immediately. The available options include:

Ignore synchronization of the root Model object

Specifies to block synchronization of all properties on the model.

Note: If you select the Synchronize on Model Load option on the Model Templates menu, synchronization automatically occurs when the model opens. The wizard does not open.