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Define Dimensional Modeling Table Properties

You can use the Dimensional tab in the Table Editor to specify dimensional modeling table roles and document how to update information in the data warehouse if the table has a dimension role.

Note: Ensure that you have enabled dimensional modeling in the Model Editor.

To define dimensional modeling roles for a table

  1. Click Tables on the Model menu.

    The Table Editor opens.

  2. Select the table in the Navigation Grid for which you want to specify dimensional modeling table properties.

    Note: Use the Enter filter text box to filter a very large list of tables to quickly locate the one that you need.

  3. Click the Dimensional tab and work with the following options:
    Dimensional Notation Role Type

    Lets you select an option to determine the table's role in the dimensional model. Select one of the following options:


    Lets you manually assign a fact role to the selected table.


    Lets you manually assign a dimension role to the selected table.


    Lets you manually assign an outrigger role to the selected table.

    Dimension Notation Update Type

    Lets you select an option to document how to update information in the data warehouse if the table has a dimension role. Select one of the following options:


    Specifies a fixed, or unchanging type.

    Type 1

    Specifies to overwrite the old data in the record with the new data. When you select this type, you lose the ability to track the old data for the record.

    Type 2

    Specifies to create an additional dimension record with the new data at the time of the change. When you select this type, you can accurately track history based on the old and new descriptions. However, it requires a generalized key to reference all iterations of the original record.

    Type 3

    Specifies to create new fields in the record for the new data and the time of the change. When you select this type, you can only track original and current values; intermediate values are lost.

  4. Click Close.

    Dimensional modeling roles are assigned and the Table Editor closes.