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Version Compatibility

The following information describes the version compatibility when working with CA ERwin Data Modeler models and your target DBMS is either SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008:

Backward compatibility

Models created for SQL Server 2008 are not supported in versions before CA ERwin Data Modeler r8. If you save a SQL Server 2008 r8 model as a CA ERwin Data Modeler r7.2 or r7.3 model, for example, the target server of the model becomes SQL Server 2005. A dialog opens warning you of this change so you can decide whether to continue saving your model.

Forward compatibility

Models created in CA ERwin Data Modeler r7.2 or r7.3 for SQL Server 2005/2008 are not converted to SQL Server 2008 models in CA ERwin Data Modeler r8. They remain as SQL Server 2005 models. A target server change is required to convert the model to SQL Server 2008.