Previous Topic: Generate Default Triggers for a Model

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Trigger Defaults for Relationships

Default referential integrity (RI) rules and triggers are applied to each relationship in the physical model. You can specify which default trigger is applied to a relationship for all relationships in a model.

When you specify properties of a model, you can set the default RI action that you want to associate with each type of relationship in a model. You can do this either for an individual relationship or select a different RI action for an individual relationship in a model.

If the default triggers do not fully implement all of the business rules that you want to apply to a specific table, relationship, or RI action (such as Parent-Delete CASCADE), you can customize the SQL code in a CA ERwin Data Modeler trigger by changing the default RI trigger or by creating a table override trigger template.

Note: In CA ERwin Data Modeler version r7.3 and later, you can select to treat ERwin-generated triggers as model objects. In earlier versions of the product, referential integrity information for ERwin-generated triggers was generated as a comment in the body of the trigger. This mechanism stripped out ERwin-generated triggers and parsed the referential integrity constraints during a "round trip" of the data model. A "round trip" occurs when you forward engineer a model to a database or script, then reverse engineer that database or script back to the model. You can now select to both forward-engineer and reverse-engineer ERwin-generated triggers.

More information:

Methods to Override Trigger Templates

Set Default Referential Integrity Rules

Create ERwin-Generated Triggers As Model Objects