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Set Volumetrics Database Parameters

You can use the Parameters tab to set various calculation factors to "inflate" or "deflate" the database calculations that are based on your table settings.

To set volumetrics database parameters in the physical model

  1. Click Volumetrics on the Tools menu.

    The Volumetrics dialog opens.

  2. Click the Parameters tab, and enter a parameter value in any of the following boxes:

    Use this factor to include the overhead that the database requires to store a table. The TableFactor is multiplied by the calculated size of a table. For example, a TableFactor of 1.2 would inflate a calculated 1 megabyte database to a 1.2 megabyte database.


    Use this factor to include the overhead that the database requires to store indexes. The IndexFactor is multiplied by the calculated size of indexes included in the calculation. For example, an IndexFactor of 1.5 would inflate a calculated 1 megabyte index to be a 1.5 megabyte index.


    Use this option to add additional overhead bytes to each table row. This value is added to the number of calculated bytes per table row. For example, if a row is calculated to require 100 bytes, and the RowOverhead is 8 bytes, each table row will be calculated to be 108 bytes.


    Similar to the TableFactor, you can use this factor to include the overhead for column objects stored "out of table." The BlobFactor is multiplied by the assigned column width.


    The block size for data stored "out of table." This is a DBMS and sometimes OS specific value.


    Use this factor to change the number of bytes used per column character. For ASCII, this value is 1, but for a multi-byte character set, such as UNICODE, the number of bytes used per column character is 2.


    Use this factor to account for database log files. Expressed as a percentage of the calculated database size, the LogPercent is multiplied by the calculated size of the entire database, which is the total of database tables, indexes and storage objects. For example, a LogPercent of 100 doubles the calculated size of the database.

  3. Click OK.

    The dialog closes and the settings are saved.

More information:

Volumetrics in a Data Model