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Set Display Options for Views

You can use the View tab on the Diagram Editor to set display options for views in a physical model.

To set display options for views

  1. In a physical model, click the View tab on the Diagram Editor and work with the following options:
    View Display Options

    Lets you specify display options for views in the physical model. Select any or all of the following display options:

    Display Views

    Specifies to display views in the physical model. Clear to hide your views.

    Display View Relationships

    Specifies to display relationship lines for views in the physical model. Clear to hide view relationship lines.

    Display View Column Expression

    Specifies to display the source table expression for view columns in the physical model. Clear to hide the source table expression.

    Display View Column Datatype

    Specifies to display the physical datatype for view columns in the physical model. Clear to hide the datatypes.

    Display View Column Null Option

    Specifies to display NULL or NOT NULL values for view columns in the physical model. Clear to hide NULL or NOT NULL values.

    Display Ungenerated Views

    Specifies to display views that will not be generated when you generate the schema. Clear to hide views that will not be generated.

  2. Click Close to save your changes and close the editor.