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Reset Domain Properties to Their Default Values

Use the options in the Reset Domain Properties dialog to reset a domain to the defaults provided by the parent domain. You can also reset the properties of any user-defined domain, as well as all properties of the standard domains shipped with the product, except the domain name and domain parent.

To reset domain properties to their default values

  1. Click Domains on the Model menu.

    The Domain Editor opens.

  2. Select the domain in the Navigation Grid that you want to modify and click the Reset Property Inheritance Inherit Button for Restoring Property Inheritance button.

    The Reset Domain Properties dialog opens.

  3. Work with the following options:
    Select properties to reset

    Select or clear individual check boxes of properties to reset. The check boxes you select indicate which properties you want to reset to the default values inherited by the domain. You can also use the following options for selecting properties:

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Select All--SCR Select All

    Selects the check boxes for all the properties in the list.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Select None--SCR Select None

    Removes all check box selections so that no properties are selected in the list.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Toggle Selection--SCR Toggle Selection

    Specifies to select check boxes for any unselected properties and remove check box selections for selected properties.

    Select user-defined properties to reset

    Select or clear individual check boxes of any user-defined properties to reset. No user-defined properties display if none were defined. The check boxes you select indicate which user-defined properties you want to reset to the default values inherited by the domain. You can also use the following options for selecting properties:

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Select All--SCR Select All

    Selects the check boxes for all the user-defined properties in the list.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Select None--SCR Select None

    Removes all check box selections so that no user-defined properties are selected in the list.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Toggle Selection--SCR Toggle Selection

    Specifies to select check boxes for any unselected user-defined properties and remove check box selections for selected user-defined properties.

  4. Click OK.

    Domain properties you selected are reset, the Reset Domain Properties dialog closes, and you return to the Domain Editor.

  5. Click Close.

    The Domain Editor closes.

Note: When you reset domain properties, any attributes or columns that use the domain you reset will use the new domain properties that you specify. You can use the Attribute or Table Column Editors to manually change properties individually.

More information:

Resetting Domain Inheritance