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Optional Non-Identifying Relationships in the Logical Model

In an optional non-identifying relationship, the attributes that are migrated into the non-key area of the child entity are not required in the child entity. Therefore, nulls are allowed in the foreign key.

You can set the default null option in the Model Editor. If you assign a non-identifying relationship, either a mandatory or optional non-identifying relationship is automatically assigned based on your default null setting. However, you can change the null option in the Relationships editor to override the default setting.

An optional non-identifying relationship is drawn differently depending on the notation for your model:

You can create an optional non-identifying relationship when you add a relationship using the Relationships editor, on the diagram window, or using the Model Explorer.

More information:

Relationship Null Options

Change the Null Option for a Non-Identifying Relationship

Add a Non-Identifying Relationship