Previous Topic: Dimensional Modeling Roles Assignments

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Manually Assign Dimensional Modeling Roles

When you manually assign a dimensional modeling role, your role setting is not automatically changed based on relationships drawn to other tables. However, if you select the Display conformance warnings check box in the Model Editor, a conformance warning displays if the role you manually assign violates dimensional modeling standards.

The Dimensional modeling feature is available in a physical model when you select the Dimensional check box on the General tab in the Model Editor.

To manually assign dimensional modeling roles in a physical model

  1. Right-click a table, select Table Properties, and then select Dimensional.

    The Tables Editor opens.

  2. Clear the Calculate Automatically (based on usage) check box, and select the role you want to assign: Fact, Dimension, or Outrigger.

    Click OK.

    The dimensional modeling role is assigned to the physical model.