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Obtain a License

When you first open CA ERwin Data Modeler, the Community Edition opens. If you have purchased an entitlement for a different edition, you provide the details of the license to use that edition.

Note: If you are using a concurrent license, before you start this procedure, get the hostname and the port number of the License Server designated for CA ERwin DM from your System Administrator. If you have access to the License Server, go to the Administration tab and see the System Information field.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open CA ERwin Data Modeler.

    The CA ERwin Data Modeler Community Edition opens.

  2. Click Licensing on the Help menu.

    The Licensing dialog appears displaying the MAC addresses discovered on your computer.

    Note: If you need assistance with licensing, open an issue online at the CA ERwin Data Modeler support site.

  3. If you plan to use a local license, follow these steps:
    1. Select the appropriate MAC address and click Close. Verify that you do not use the MAC address of an adapter located in a docking station or an external hard drive.
    2. Contact CA Customer Care by telephone or the web licensing form with your MAC address to receive your license files.
    3. After you receive the license files, open CA ERwin Data Modeler and click Licensing on the Help menu.

      The License dialog appears.

    4. Click Install License File, select the license files that you have received and then click Open.

      The license files are copied to the appropriate location.

  4. If you plan to use a concurrent license, follow these steps:
    1. Verify that the License Server Administrator has received the license files from CA Customer Care and has imported them to the License Server.
    2. Enter the path for your License Server in the Server Path field in the port@hostname format. Click Close.

      Example: 27000@myremotecomp

      Note: Even if the port number is not specified, include the @ symbol when you enter the hostname.

    3. Restart CA ERwin Data Modeler.

      A license is checked out from the License Server.

  5. To borrow a license, follow these steps:
    1. Click Borrow License.

      The Borrow License dialog appears.

    2. Select the date and time when you want to return the license and then click Set Borrow Request.
    3. Close the dialog and then restart CA ERwin DM.

      A license is checked out from the License Server. The License Server decreases the count of available licenses by one.

  6. To return a borrowed license early, select the License Name and click Return Borrowed Licenses Early.

    The license is returned to the License Server. The License Server increases the count of available licenses by one.

To return a license before it expires, start CA ERwin DM and enter the server path in the CA ERwin Data Modeler Licensing dialog. After CA ERwin DM opens, click Help, Licensing, and then click Return Borrowed Licenses Early.

Note: If a license expires or is returned before it expires, you have four hours of buffer time to save your work. After four hours of the expiry of the license, CA ERwin DM closes.

When the license expires, one of the following events happen: