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Entity Key Group Editor

Use the following options and tabs in the Entity Key Group Editor to view and update the properties for key groups:


Displays the entity to which the selected key group belongs.

property editor PREVIOUS icon Previous

Positions the editor on the previous key group in the Navigation Grid.

property editor NEXT icon Next

Positions the editor on the next key group in the Navigation Grid.

Table Index Editor Toolbar_Index Sort Order Button Sort

Sorts the key groups by alphabetic, reverse alphabetic, or key group order. You select the method you want using the drop-down menu that opens after you click the Sort button.

New icon in property editors to create a new object New

Creates a new key group that becomes the current object in the editor.

property editor DELETE button Delete

Deletes the selected key group.

property editor HELP button Help

Accesses online help for the editor.

enter filter text box in a property editor to filter object list

Lets you enter text to filter a large list of key group objects so you can quickly locate the one that you want.

Show FK Groups

Specifies to display FK (foreign key) groups in the Navigation Grid.


Displays the name of the key group.


Displays the key group type.

Logical Only

Specifies whether to have the key group appear in the logical model only. If you want the key group to appear in the physical model as an index, clear the check box.

Members Tab

Lets you specify the attributes to place into the key group.

Definition Tab

Lets you enter any definition text that you want to associate with the key group.


Lets you work with user-defined properties for the key group.

Notes Tab

Lets you view or enter notes that you want to associate with the key group.