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Enter a Table Comment

Use the Comment tab in the Table Editor to enter or edit a comment for a table.

To enter a comment for a table

  1. Click Tables on the Model menu.

    The Table Editor opens.

  2. Select the table in the Navigation Grid for which you want to enter a comment.

    Note: Use the Enter filter text box to filter a very large list of tables to quickly locate the one that you need.

  3. Click the Comment tab and work with the following options:

    Lets you enter a comment for the table. Use the toolbar to cut, copy, or paste text, to work with the Text Editor, or run a spell check.

    Note: If your target server supports comments, you can generate comments in the schema DDL script.

    Update Entity Definition To Match

    Specifies to have table comments in a Logical/Physical model to also appear as the definition for the corresponding entity in the logical model. If the check box is cleared, then the table comments for corresponding tables and entities in a Logical/Physical model will contain different text.

  4. Click Close.

    Comments are saved and the Table Editor closes.