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Delete a Template

If you no longer need a template you can delete it using the Template Editor.

To delete a template

  1. Select Forward Engineer, Forward Engineering Templates from the Actions menu (in either a physical or logical/physical model).

    The Template Editor opens.

  2. Click the Open Template icon.

    The Open dialog opens.

  3. Select the template file that contains the template you want to delete and click Open.

    The selected template file opens in the Template Editor.

  4. Select the template you want to delete from the Templates list and click the Delete Template icon.

    The pencil Template Editor - Pencil icon icon changes to a can Template Editor - Can icon icon next to the template name.

  5. Click the Save Template File icon.

    Note: The template will not be deleted until you save the template file in which it is located.

    The Save As dialog opens.

  6. Click Save.

    The selected template is removed from the template file, the template file is saved, and the Save As dialog closes.