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Define a Table in SQL Server 2008

Use the SQL Server Table Editor to define the tables in a database in a SQL Server 2008 physical model.

To define a table in SQL Server 2008

  1. Click Tables on the Model menu.

    The SQL Server Table Editor opens.

  2. Select the table in the Navigation Grid that you want to define and work with the following options:

    Note: Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create a new table. Use the Enter filter text box to filter a very large list of tables to quickly locate the one that you want to define.

    Physical Name

    Specifies the physical name of the table. Change the physical name of the table in this field.


    Specifies the schema of the database to which the table belongs. Select the schema from the drop-down list.

    Physical Only

    Specifies whether the table is suppressed from a logical model and appears in a physical model only.


    Generates SQL during forward engineering. Clear the check box if you do not want to generate SQL.

  3. Click the General tab and work with the following options:

    Specifies the file group for the table. Select a file group from the drop-down list.

    Text Image

    Specifies that the text, ntext, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and CLR user-defined type columns are stored in the specified file group.

    Filestream Filegroup

    Specifies the file group for FILESTREAM data. If the table is not partitioned, the FILESTREAM column cannot be partitioned. FILESTREAM data for the table must be stored in a single file group. This file group is specified in the FILESTREAM_ON clause.

    Filestream Partition Scheme

    Specifies the partition scheme and its file group for FILESTREAM data. If the table contains FILESTREAM data and the table is partitioned, the FILESTREAM_ON clause must be included and must specify a partition scheme of FILESTREAM file groups. This partition scheme must use the same partition function and partition columns as the partition scheme for the table.

    Change Tracking

    Specifies whether to enable change tracking for the selected table.

    Default: Disable

    Track Columns Updated

    Specifies whether the database engine tracks which change tracked columns were updated.

    Default: Off

    Lock Escalation Type

    Specifies the allowed methods of lock escalation for a table. Select the method to use from the drop-down.

    Vardecimal Storage Format

    Specifies whether vardecimal storage is enabled. When it is set to TRUE, ON, or 1, the selected table is enabled for vardecimal storage format. When it is set to FALSE, OFF, or 0, the table is not enabled for vardecimal storage format.

  4. Work with the other tabs in the editor to access additional design features, for example:
  5. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments that you want to associate with the table.
  6. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the table.
  7. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view history information and view or edit user notes.
  8. Click Close.

    The table is defined and the SQL Server Table Editor closes.

More information:

Define a Partition for a SQL Server Table

Define Change Data Capture Settings for a SQL Server 2008 Table

Define Change Data Capture Properties

Define Data Compression for Tables, Table Indexes, or View Indexes in SQL Server 2008

Define Validation Rule Usage for a SQL Server Table

Define SQL Server Permissions

Define Volumetrics for a SQL Server Table

Define the Style for a Table, View, or Column

Specify the Icon to Display for a Table or View

Change the Object Creation Order for Tables or Views

View the Where Used Information for a Physical Object

Add a Comment in a Property Editor

Add a UDP in a SQL Server Physical Property Editor

Edit User Notes or View Object History