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Apply Naming Standards to a Model

After you define naming standards using the NSM Option Editor, select individual model objects and apply the standards. CA ERwin DM uses the glossary words and abbreviations (or alternate abbreviations) defined in the active NSM Option object to apply naming standards to a model.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a model that includes an active NSM Option object.
  2. Click Actions, Model Naming Options.

    The Model Naming Options dialog opens.

  3. Click the Name Mapping tab.
  4. For each model object type that you want to use the glossary, select the Use Glossary check box and select the type of abbreviation. Click OK.

    The naming standards abbreviations (or alternate abbreviations) defined in the NSM Option object that is active, are applied to the current model.

Note: The translation from logical to physical through the NSM Option Object works only if the physical name is inherited from the logical name. That is, only if the names have not been manually changed in the physical model. If a physical name is modified in a logical/physical model, the inheritance from the logical side to the physical side is overridden and the naming standards no longer work. However, you can reset the override property to inherit from the logical name to restore this inheritance.

NSM File Attached to an Older Version Model

When you open a model that is created in an older version of CA ERwin DM, it is converted so that it is compatible with CA ERwin DM Version 9.0. If an NSM file was attached to the model, the file is not imported and attached to the model automatically. Import the NSM file to a template and attach the template to the model manually.