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Change the Instance of an ODBC Connection

If you have multiple copies of CA ERwin Data Modeler running, the ODBC driver can only serve data from one instance. By default, this is the first one started. If you want to change which instance of CA ERwin Data Modeler is handling the ODBC connection, you need to first stop the driver on the one that is running and then start the driver on the second copy of CA ERwin Data Modeler from the same place.

To change the instance of an ODBC connection

  1. Go to the copy of CA ERwin Data Modeler that is running for which you want to stop the ODBC driver and click Options on the Tools menu.

    The Options dialog opens.

  2. Click the Stop ODBC driver for this instance button.

    This button's display changes to Start ODBC driver for this instance once the ODBC driver is stopped for the current instance.

  3. Click OK.

    The Options dialog closes.

  4. Go to the other copy of CA ERwin Data Modeler that is running for which you want to use the ODBC driver and click Options on the Tools menu.

    The Options dialog opens.

  5. Click the Start ODBC driver for this instance button.

    This button's display changes to Stop ODBC driver for this instance once the ODBC driver is started for the current instance.

  6. Click OK.

    The Options dialog closes and you are ready to start constructing a query.