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Change Model Source Naming Rules

Use the Name Mapping Options tab in the Model Sources Properties dialog to change the rules your organization uses to convert logical model object names to physical model object names.

To change model source naming rules

  1. Right-click a model source in the Model Explorer, and then click Properties.

    The Model Sources Properties dialog opens.

  2. Select the Source and Name, and complete the following options on the Name Mapping Options tab:
    Object Type

    Displays the logical or physical model object for which you define model object naming rules.

    Macro Name

    Specifies the macro text to create the physical model object name from the logical model object name.

    Use Glossary

    Specifies to use a glossary of words and abbreviations to derive the physical model object name.


    Specifies whether to use an abbreviation or alternate abbreviation from the CA ERwin Data Modeler glossary to derive the physical model object name. This field is available only when you select the Use Glossary check box.


    Specifies the prefix text to add before table and column names in the physical model.


    Specifies the suffix text to add after table and column names in the physical model.

    Special Characters

    Specifies that the special characters in physical model object names are retained.


    Specifies that the special characters from physical model object names are removed.


    Specifies that the special characters in physical model object names are replaced with another character that you specify.

    Replace With

    Specifies the character to use when you replace the special characters in physical model object names.

    Remove Vowels

    Specifies that all vowels in the physical model object name are removed except the first vowel.

    Click OK.

    The model source naming rules are changed.