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Complete Compare Wizard Summary

Complete Compare uses a flexible wizard with a series of panes to specify options for comparing your model with a database or another model.

Left Model Selection Dialog Use the Complete Compare - Left Model Selection dialog to select a model, script, database, or a model located in a mart that will be displayed in the left pane of the Resolve Differences dialog.

Right Model Selection Dialog Use the options in the Right Model Selection dialog to select a model, script, database, or a model located in a mart that is displayed in the right pane of the Resolve Differences dialog.

If you open the Complete Compare wizard without opening any model, the first dialog you see is the Left Model Selection dialog. If you open a model and then open the wizard, the open model is considered as the left model, and the first dialog you see is the Right Model Selection dialog.

Type Resolution Wizard The Type Resolution wizard may appear to ensure that the type signatures of the compared models are identical prior to entering the compare session. You can review the information in the dialog and accept the defaults, or you can use the dialog to copy the missing properties to the other model.

Type Selection Dialog Use the options in the Type Selection dialog to set the compare level to a model type - logical level, physical level, or database level. The displayed choices are based on the kind of models you selected for your left and right models. Your choice then sets a default option set for the compare process. You can also indicate a customized option set for your compare, create a new option set, and edit, rename, or delete an existing option set.

Left Object Selection Dialog Use the options in the Left Object Selection dialog to further refine the criteria for object comparison between the left and right models. You can select a narrower range of objects for the model in the left pane (for example, by subject area, owner, and so on).

Right Object Selection Dialog Use the options in the Right Object Selection dialog to Use the options in the Complete Compare Right Object Selection dialog to further refine the criteria for object comparison between the left and right models. You can select a narrower range of objects for the model in the right pane (for example, by subject area, owner, and so on).

Advanced Options Selection Dialog Use the options in the Advanced Options Selection dialog to further refine the compare criteria based on matching algorithms and other options.

Resolve Differences Dialog Use the options in the Resolve Difference Dialog to compare the differences between the models.

More information:

Type Resolution Wizard

Select Objects and Properties By Type

Refine the Criteria for Object Comparison in the Left Model

Refine the Criteria for Object Comparison in the Right Model

Select Advanced Options to Refine the Compare Criteria