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Bulk Editor Wizard

The first time you attempt to open the Bulk Editor in a modeling session it is empty, so the Bulk Editor Wizard automatically opens so you can select the object and property types to work with in the Bulk Editor. Upon subsequent use of the Bulk Editor, you can click the Bulk Editor Wizard Button on the Bulk Editor Toolbar button on the Bulk Editor toolbar to open the Bulk Editor Wizard.

The Bulk Editor Wizard contains the following pages:


Describes the Bulk Editor Wizard and provides a brief explanation for each of the wizard pages. You can select the Show Object Types on Startup check box to bypass this page the next time you open the wizard. During a modeling session, the wizard reopens to the same page and has the same settings as its last use in the same model.

Object Types

Lets you select the types of objects to use in the Bulk Editor. Selected objects are displayed as rows in the Bulk Editor. The names displayed here are consistent with what is displayed in the Model Explorer. Using this page you can save your selections as an option set, or you can select an existing option set to populate your selections. Narrow this list using the options on the Object Instances page. This list of selected object types determines which types of objects are eligible for inclusion in this editing session.

Property Types

Lets you select the properties to edit for each object. Selected properties are displayed as columns in the Bulk Editor. The property name is the column heading. Using this page you can save your selections as an option set, or you can select an existing option set to populate your selections.

Object Instances

Lets you select the objects from the model to use in the Bulk Editor. This page lists all of the instances of the object types you selected on the Object Types page as high level nodes in the selection tree. The names displayed here are consistent with what is displayed in the Model Explorer.

Display Order

Lets you specify how to arrange rows for the object types and columns for the properties. The order you specify is how the items display in the Bulk Editor.

User Settings

Lets you manage optional behavior of the Bulk Editor.

More information:

Specify Object Types to Use in the Bulk Editor

Specify Property Types to Use in the Bulk Editor

Specify Object Instances to Use in the Bulk Editor

Specify the Order of Rows and Columns to Display in the Bulk Editor

Manage Bulk Editor User Settings