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Authorize Teradata Database Users

You can use the Authorization editor to make an association between a database user and an OS server user ID in a Teradata physical model. Using the authorization feature, you can let an external routine run in a secured mode using the context, permissions, and access control given to the specified OS user.

In Teradata, objects are owned by databases or users. A database and a user are equivalent with the exception that only a user can login to the database. A database or a user can act as a schema.

Note: Passwords will not be stored, but you can use a UDP to generate a password for forward engineering.

To authorize Teradata database users

  1. Click Target-Teradata, Authorizations on the Model menu.

    The Authorization Editor opens.

  2. Select an authorization and work with the following options:

    Note: Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create a new authorization. Use the Enter filter text text box to filter a very large list of authorizations to quickly locate the one you want to work with.


    Specifies the name of the available authorizations.

    Association Type

    Specifies the type of authorization. Select the type from the drop-down list. Valid options are: Definer, Definer Default, and Invoker.


    Specifies the schema of the database to which the table belongs. Select from the drop-down list.

    Use Replace Syntax

    Lets you select whether Forward Engineering will use the REPLACE command instead of the CREATE command.


    Generates DDL for this object during Forward Engineering.

  3. Complete the following fields on the General tab:
    OS Domain

    Specifies the domain name for the OS user.

    OS User

    Specifies the OS user.

  4. Click the Permission tab to associate permissions with the authorization. Features on the Permission tab let you to create new permissions, work with existing permissions, and open the Permissions Editor to define permission options.
  5. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments you want associated with the authorization.
  6. (Optional) Click the Where Used tab to view where the authorization is used in the model.
  7. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the authorization.
  8. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view history information and view or edit user notes.
  9. Click Close.

    The Authorization Editor closes.

More information:

Add Permissions in a Teradata Property Editor

Add a Comment in a Property Editor

Add a UDP in a Physical Property Editor