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Alter Script/Schema Generation

Alter Script allows you to quickly generate alter script to a database after you make changes to a model. Although you can generate alter script using the Complete Compare wizard, the Schema Generation option allows you to bypass the detailed compare features presented in the Complete Compare wizard. Use this process to use the Alter Script/Schema Generation feature:

  1. Click Forward Engineer, Alter Script... on the Actions menu.
  2. Select the schema generation options. Select an Option Set from the Option Set list, or click the Options tab, select an Option Group and select or clear individual options in the Schema list.
  3. Generate the schema - Click Generate.

In the Alter Script/Schema Generation dialog you can also:

Using Complete Compare to Alter a Script

You can also alter a script using features in the Complete Compare wizard. For example, you can choose to compare an *.erwin model to a script file or database. You can select objects and properties in the Resolve Differences dialog to update your database. You can click the Left Alter ScriptLeft Alter Script - CC or Right Alter Script Rightt Alter Script - CC button in the Resolve Differences dialog to generate the alter script to the target database.

More information:

How you can generate an Alter Script in the Resolve Differences Dialog