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Add a Macro to a Template

You can add macros to a template using the Template Editor. You can work with the template in the default template file, or browse to open another template file that contains the template to which you want to add a macro.

To add a macro to a template

  1. Select Forward Engineer, Forward Engineering Templates from the Actions menu (in either a physical or logical/physical model) to open the Template Editor.

    Note: When the editor is invoked, it attempts to select the Create Entity template by default.

  2. Select the template file that contains the template to which you want to add a macro.

    By default, the Template Editor opens using the default template file for the target database of your model. If you want to use a different template file, click the Open Template File icon to open the Open dialog and select the template file that you want.

  3. Search for the template in the Templates pane to which you want to add a macro and double-click it.
  4. Navigate the template source to find and select the location where you want to insert the macro. Find the macro name in the Macros list and double-click it to insert it in the template source. The Expanded Text pane refreshes to show the macro expansion.
  5. Click the Save Template File icon to save your revised template to the template file.

    Your template is saved. You can continue to work with the template, or click Close to close the Template Editor.

More information:

Edit Macro Categories

Create a Custom Macro Category

Show Detailed Information for a Macro