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Database Properties

The following describes new or changed properties in the property editor and related information.


Specifies the edition of the database, either web for Web Edition or business for Business Edition.

When EDITION is specified but MAXSIZE is not specified, MAXSIZE will be set to the most restrictive size that the edition supports (1 GB for Web Edition and 10 GB for Business Edition).


Specifies the maximum size of the database. MAXSIZE must be valid for the specified EDITION. For Web Edition, valid values of MAXSIZE are: 1GB or 5GB. For Business Edition, valid values are: 10GB, 20GB, 30GB, 40GB, or 50GB.

If MAXSIZE is set to a value of 1GB or 5GB, and EDITION is not specified, the database edition is automatically set to Web Edition.

If MAXSIZE is set to a value of 10GB, 20GB, 30GB, 40GB, or 50GB, and EDITION is not specified, the database edition is automatically set to Business Edition.

If neither MAXSIZE or EDITION are specified, a Web Edition database of size 1GB is created.

AS COPY OF [source_server_name.]source_database_name (New)

Copies a database to the same or different SQL Azure server.


The following describes the impacts on the SQL Azure Database Editor as compared to the SQL Server 2008 Database Editor: