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Update the sudoers File

Updating the sudoers file lets you issue commands from CA Process Automation using sudo without prompting for the root credentials. If the UseSudo parameter is enabled in the ASC_GlobalDataset, you update the sudoers file before creating the VM template.

Follow these steps:
  1. Edit the /etc/sudoers file using the visudoers command.
  2. Add the following entry:
    # simple entry for issueing commands if the client does not need granularity
    ascuser ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
    # detailed entry for permitting only those commands used by ASC for disk extension
    ascuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/fdisk, /usr/sbin/pvcreate, /usr/sbin/vgdisplay, /usr/sbin/vgextend, /usr/sbin/lvdisplay, /usr/sbin/lvextend
  3. Save and close the sudoers file.