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Deploy the RequestService Client

You are not required to run any CA software on your remote client computer. You can program HTTP requests directly from many different programming languages. However, when utilizing the CA Automation Point RequestService Java API or command-line application, deploy CA software on your remote client computer. The RequestService client can be used on Windows or Linux computers. For more information, see the CA Automation Point Installation Guide for supported operating systems.

Install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from on your remote client computer before you run the RequestService client. JRE version requirements are described in Software Requirements section of CA Automation Point Installation Guide.

Follow these steps:

To deploy the RequestService client to your remote client computer:

  1. Copy the following file from the CA Automation Point server to your remote client computer.
  2. Unzip the file into a directory of your choice.
  3. To obtain documentation about the options for the Request Service command-line application, run the program YourClientUnzipDirectory\RequestService\bin\RequestService.

Client documentation and samples are also included in the client distribution.