IBM i5 (iSeries) Operating System's support a feature called "Auto Sign-On". The purpose of this feature is to allow a login to bypass the I5/OS initial sign-on screen. Also, several additional startup options (library name, menu name and initial program) and be specified that will run at sign-on time and take the screen directly to the given menu or run the given program.
In order to enable auto sign-on, check the Enable Auto Sign-on checkbox on the 5250 Session Settings dialog and specify at least a user ID and password.
Note: The user ID and password values specified on this dialgog are re-loaded from configuration every time CA Automation Point tries to connect to the session. In other words, changes made to these fields are applied immediately and do not require a restart of the Automation Point Desktop.
Auto Sign-on supports three different password encryption techniques:
Indicates that the password is sent in clear text (i.e., not encrypted) to the i5/OS host.
Indicates that the password will be encrypted using the DES* encryption technique before it is sent to the i5/OS host.
Indicates that the password will be encrypted using the SHA encryption technique before it is sent to the i5/OS host.
Note: For a detailed description of these encryption algorithms, see section 5 of IBM document RFC 4777.
You decide how to encrypt the password by first determining how the i5/OS host has Password Level configured.
Note: To understand how Password Level effects your decision about which encryption to use for Auto Sign-on, see IBM's documentation on Password Level and QPWDLVL.
To query the current host value for QPWDLVL, issue the following i5/OS command:
Possible returned values are:
Password length is restricted to 10 characters. CA Automation Point can use Plaintext or Standard encryption. Elevated encryption does not work with this host.
Password length can be up to 128 characters and are case sensitive. CA Automation Point can use Plaintext or Elevated encryption. Standard encryption does not work with this host.
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