TPF messages can be very long, and a limit exists for the length of a message that that is processed by rules. For this reason, the interface creates a non-volatile GLV that holds messages that are greater than two lines. Two-line messages are handled in the normal fashion, without a GLV being created. To ensure that the GLV variable names are unique, the interface adds a word in the second word place in the message. The format of the added word is simply the MSGID followed immediately by a timestamp. For example:
Original message:
New message:
DSYS0001I DSYS0001I094459123 09.44.59 THE SYSTEM IS IN NORM STATE
TPFREAD.REX is written to accept the new WORD2 and the entire message as its two arguments. TPFREAD looks to see if a GLV exists, matching WORD2. If so, it retrieves the value of the GLV and parses it into the stem variable called TPFWD. If not, it uses the message passed as the second argument and parses it into the stem variable. The parsing process removes WORD2, thereby converting the message to its original format.
You can then use the REXX parsed words and pass them to another REXX program, or take action on it in TPFREAD.
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