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APCMOSI Return Information

Upon successful completion of the HMC console command API, APCMOSI sets the REXX variable RC to 0 (zero). Non-zero return codes incurred while executing the HMC console command API are returned by APCMOSI in the REXX variable RC. For a detailed description of each return code and directions for resolving error, see the IBM System z Application Programming Interfaces manual (SB10-7030-11).


Given the community name and TCP/IP address for the HMC/SE controlling the CPC named cpc1, issue the APCMOSI command to get the value of the processor weight attribute for LPAR named lpar1. For the name of attributes that can be retrieved, see the IBM System z Application Programming Interfaces manual (SB10-7030-11).

APCMOSI COMMUNITY(public) TARGET( CPC(cpc1) LPAR(lpar1) ACTION(GetAttribute) ATTRIBUTE(weight)

Issue the APCMOSI command to set the weight attribute to 10.

APCMOSI COMMUNITY(public) TARGET( CPC(cpc1) LPAR(lpar1) ACTION(SetAttribute) ATTRIBUTE(weight) VALUE(10)

Given the community name and TCP/IP address for the HMC/SE controlling the CPC named cpc1, issue the APCMOSI command to activate the LPAR named lpar1 using the default activation profile. For acceptable syntax for specifying additional arguments required by the activate action, see the apcmosi.txt file found in installDir\sample\APCMOS directory


Issue the APCMOSI command to deactivate LPAR named lpar1. For acceptable syntax for specifying the ACTION parameter, see the apcmosi.txt file in the installDir\sample\APCMOS directory.

APCMOSI  COMMUNITY(public) TARGET( CPC(cpc1) LPAR(lpar1) ACTION(Deactivate)