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JolBeep Panel Emulation

CA Automation Point interfaces with CA FAQS ASO for z/VSE to monitor the JolBeep panel and to send notifications based on conditions that appear there.

To use the CA FAQS ASO for z/VSE interface to monitor the JolBeep panel

  1. Install the complete CA Automation Point product.
  2. Define to Notification Manager all the people and groups that you want Jolbeep to be able to contact. You do this using the Contacts pages on the Notification Website. (See the section How You Use the Notification Website in this chapter.) The names you define must match the names that appear in the PC Call List column of the PCS J panel. (The comparison is not case-sensitive.)
  3. Define to Notification Manager a person named "JolBeep Mainframe Down."

    Note: The person you define will be notified when the mainframe goes down or when the emulation is not working. When this person is notified, he or she must restore the CA Automation Point JOLBEEP session back to a state where the PCS J panel is working again. At that point, the emulation will start running again.

  4. Create a session for the JOLBEEP mainframe session. In Configuration Manager, choose Expert Interface, Automation, Session Definition Sets. Right click on Sessions, and choose Add.
  5. Define the session using the Automation Point Session Definition dialog.
    1. Click Customize Session Settings.
    2. Click Local Session Settings. In the dialog that displays, specify @E in the Restart String field. Click OK.
    3. Click OK on the Automation Point Session Definition dialog.
  6. Write a script that logs on to the JolBeep PCS J panel.
  7. Name this script JOLBEEP.SCR and place it in the %AP_SITE%\MyFiles directory.
  8. In Configuration Manager, choose Expert Interface, Automation, REXX, REXX Settings. On the REXX Settings dialog, browse to and select the JOLBEEP.REX program and add it as an "Initialization REXX Program" in your session definition set.

You have completed the configuration.